Frequently Asked Questions

Below you can find answers to the frequently asked questions. However, if you would ask something else,please contact me.

How much time will I wait for my translation?

I can usually translate 10 pages per day (2500 words). For example, I will need 3 days to translate a 30-page text.

How much does the translation cost?

Translation costs vary depending on individual job. For you convenience, I have created an indicative price list, which is available here.

How do you ensure quality?

To ensure quality, I use my know-how, skills, knowledge, and computer-assisted translation tools (CAT and QA).

What are your language pairs?

I mostly work in the English-Polish language pair. However, for jobs that do not require deep, native knowledge of the target culture, I also translate in the opposite direction.

How can I pay for the translation?

You can pay by bank transfer. I accept PLN, USD and EUR transfers.

When will I pay for the translation? Before or after the completion of the service?

In general, you first receive your translation and then pay. In exceptional circumstances, when high-value projects within new collaborations are concerned, we agree on the terms of payment individually.

Inny tłumacz / biuro tłumaczeń wycenia mój projekt dużo niżej. Czym to jest podyktowane?

Każdy wykonawca ma prawo zastosować własną stawkę. Często bywa tak, że biura tłumaczeń zatrudniają studentów lub osoby z niewielkim doświadczeniem, przez co mogą zaproponować bardziej atrakcyjną cenę. Niestety w parze z korzystną ceną nierzadko idzie niekorzystna jakość. Zamawiając tłumaczenie u mnie, masz gwarancję jego jakości i terminowości.

What is the meaning of a term localization?

Localization is the adaptation of a software / video game to the reality of the target market by translating it to its language and adapting to the conventions of the target language. Localization includes, for example, cultural adaptation of the text, and conversion of dates, currencies and metric units to those accessible to the target market audience.

What are your settlement terms in Audiovisual Translation?

In case of subtitling, I have per-minute rates, which means that the price will depend on the length of the individual video.

If there are multiple machine translation tools on the market (Google Translate, DeepL), why should I choose to use the services of a human translator?

Machine translation tools are like an excavator. Everyone can enter it, press random buttons, and produce a certain effect, but only en experienced operator will do a job that satisfies their client.
Bezpłatne narzędzie do tłumaczenia maszynowego sprawdzi się, jeśli zechcesz zrozumieć ogólny zamysł tekstu, bez baczenia na styl czy jakość. Jeśli jednak zależy Ci na bezbłędnym tekście, który ma cieszyć odbiorcę, nie ma innego wyjścia jak skorzystać z usług zawodowego tłumacza.